Stitch Journal

I'm so excited to share this unique project with you!
The little dear Stitch Journal is a DIY embroidery activity book. (You can grab the printed fabric or PDF pattern download in the shop!)
- Create a one of a kind, embroidered journal as you stitch these pages in your own, unique way!
- Work through the pages one at a time, or skip around and do a little here and there.
- Each page has instructions, but they are just suggestions! Always follow your own imagination.
- Take your time, stitch at your own pace, play, learn and create!
- When you're done stitching, cut and sew your pages together into a little rainbow keepsake book. (Scroll down for ideas!)

I'm going to share some of my progress to help get you started.
(click any photo to enlarge)
**Please note, I've not completed the pages pictured below, I only stitched a small sample on each page for this tutorial.
I am working on an all new journal to complete along with you, I'll be posting WIP updates regularly at #littledearstitchjournal and also here at the Stitch Journal gallery:
Here's my new one all stitched up and ready to cut and sew:
I'd love to follow you stitching along on your own journal. :)
Let's take a closer look at each page:

Page 1: Follow the Line- use your favorite line stitch (such as the Back stitch, Split stitch or Stem stitch), or change stitches as you go. This is a great place to try out variegated floss, or fill in everywhere BUT the line!
When you're done, follow the line with your finger, it's a simple, easy meditation.
Page 2: Make a Patchwork Quilt- play with different patterns and textures, create some of your own. You can stitch the dividing lines in between as well!

Page 3: Dress Up- design clothes, hair and accessories for everyone, beautiful people come in so many shapes, sizes and colors!
Page 4: All the Pretty Flowers- how many different flowers can you make? Mix and match colors and stitches, grow a colorful garden; add bugs, birds, who else lives here?

Page 5: Mandala Meditation- breathe, stitch, repeat. Find a calm, quiet place to relax, play soothing music or light some candles or incense. breathe, stitch and repeat each stitch, going round and round the mandala.
Page 6: Stitch Practice- how many stitches do you know? Practice, learn some new ones, or invent your own!

Page 7: Make a Collage- arrange and stitch on fabric scraps; try out "couching" with yarn, ribbon or floss scraps; add charms, buttons, sequins or beads; draw or add color with markers, paint or crayons.
Page 8: Add Leaves to this Tree- or flowers, fruit; grass and sky; try satin stitch, lazy daisy or french knot leaves; use every shade of green you have, or make an Autumn colored tree.

Page 9: Choose One (or more)- hand write and stitch a quote, poem, name or special date; embroider a portrait of a person or pet; add one stitch a day until the page is full; stitch randomly with your eyes closed (mind your fingers!!)
Page 10: Coloring Page- first stitch the lines, then fill in the color; try out some color blends; add your own details and textures.

Page11: Scrap Floss Rainbow- fill in the colors using leftover floss; use one stitch, or lots of different ones; use any shades you have, blend them all together.
Page 12: Connect the Dots- reveal some shapes or pictures; invent your own constellations; or just stitch lots of stars.
Keep stitching!! This is a great project to work on bit by bit at your own pace over months or even years! Add a few stitches to any page whenever you feel inspired (or NOT inspired to work on your stack of WIPs!) or need a little relaxing, zero-stress stitching time.
Join a ‘stitch a day’ group on social media and share your progress, tag #littledearstitchjournal
We'd love to follow your journaling!

When you've completed all the embroidery you choose to, you'll be ready to sew your book.

Cut out and pin the pages back to back. I found it helpful to use a rotary cutter for straight edges. Even the scraps are pretty!

You can put them in any order you like. If you choose, you can also cut pieces of your own fabric the same size to make front and back covers.

Sew the edges of each pinned pair using your choice of hand stitching: three good ones to try are the Whip Stitch (top), Running Stitch (middle) and Buttonhole Stitch (bottom)
You can leave the left edges un-stitched, those will be bound all together into your book.
** I love the look of raw fabric edges and I enjoy hand sewing, but if you prefer a more finished edge for your pages, you can leave a 1/4 inch seam allowance around the edge of your pages when you cut them out, then pin and sew them face to face. Turn the pages right side out and press, or top stitch around the edges.
Line up and pin or clip all the pages in a stack and sew them together along the left edge.
The Buttonhole Stitch is great for fabric book binding, or you can fold a length of ribbon over the raw edges as shown here, and sew through all the layers with a Running Stitch.

Now your cute, colorful Stitch Journal is complete! It's a fun little memoir, or use it for a stitch reference, or a needle book.
xo aimee