Iron-On Plush

Did you know you can use printable party PDFs from the little dear shop to make plush toys or ornaments? It's super easy and fun! These are quick and make great last minute gifts. Especially if they match the printable decorations, it's like having a souvenir to remember an extra special party.
For this tutorial, I'm using the Raccoon from my Woodland Fun printable set which you can download for FREE when you join my mailing list! Just subscribe at the bottom of this page, download the file from the subscriber's Free Downloads Vault, and follow along with the instructions below.
You will also need:
1 iron on transfer sheet
8x10 inches of white fabric
8x10 inches of a matching patterned fabric (or more white)
sewing machine
Start by printing out the largest raccoon from the PDF file on the transfer sheet and iron it onto the white fabric according to the package directions. (I always cut away the extra transfer paper from around the image before ironing since the blank space can sometimes leave a yellowish color behind.)

Cut out the raccoon leaving 1 inch of fabric all around the edge. Place the raccoon fabric face down onto the second fabric (for the back,) trace and cut out a piece the same size and shape.

Pin the two pieces together right sides facing and mark a pencil line 1/2 inch out around the outside of the raccoon. This is the sewing line. Sew the pieces together on the line, leaving around 3 inches open at the bottom.

Before you turn it right side out, cut small slits around the edge outside the stitch line about every 1/2 inch. Be careful not to cut through the stitches! This will help the seams look smooth after it's turned. Now turn the raccoon right side out.

Stuff him firmly with stuffing, using a pencil or knitting needle to push it into the ears and tail.

Tuck the edges of fabric in around the opening and stitch it closed using the hidden stitch which will be barely noticeable when you've finished:

Start with a knot on the inside of the seam. Bring the needle out and across the opening, then in and along the inside of one edge. Now come back out, straight across the seam, and back in and along the inside on the other edge. Keep stitching along the opening, when you've closed it up, tie a knot close to the seam.

Tada! All done. These pillow toys will bring a smile to anyone's face. You can also use the smaller file sizes in your PDF to make little pillow ornaments, just add a loop of ribbon at the top for hanging.
I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and that you'll try it out and make some of your own! You can find all of my Woodland Animal printables as well as Farm Animals, Mythical Creatures, Sea Creatures and lots more (all of which will work great for this project!) in the shop.